You lean against a wall and take a moment to collect yourself. After shaking your leg and rotating the joint a bit, you feel some of your strength come back. It's silly, but you feel afraid, almost, of stopping. You're just tense from everything that's happened. You'll take a break eventually. For now, you'll just keep walking. Clear your head.

You walk towards the darkness. You dare yourself to walk past that boulder you've never gone past before. You further you get, the slower you walk, unsure of what to expect. Eventually you're standing with the boulder to your back; and nothing has happened. The camp is still where it's always been. You still see the stars in the distance.

You think about how no one will look at you now. What is there to lose by exploring further? Would you even be missed if you were to never return to camp? You feel emboldened from the small act of walking this far. You want to do it again. You've always wanted to see the stars. You take another look at the camp, and make up your mind.

Your feet are always sore from your travels. You felt a thrill seeing a star up close for the first time, and it's still fun to see new ones. There is still an emptiness inside of you. The stars don't make the pain go away. Once, you accidentally walked a circle, and found yourself back at the camp. Some people glanced your way but that was it. You wandered for more time, and it now feels you could draw a map of this land from memory. You tell yourself you are searching for something. You have been everywhere before, but still find yourself afraid to turn around. You wander the darkness forever.

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