October 12, 2022

Continuing to work on this site. I drew a picture in the same palette as this page, in hopes to just have something to decorate. I used Heather Mason as a reference for the expression, but ended up just drawing Heather. I don't know if that would be very fitting for a diary page. Oh well. By the way, if this color scheme looks familiar, it's because it's the "Gardener" palette from World of Horror! I adore that game. I'm actually working on a (really jank) dnd version of it. I'm currently working on a giant playable map of the school to use in Roll20 (we're doing the scissors mystery) I would have loved to have built more concise character sheets in HTML, but I'm not that knowledgeable yet. They're currently google docs that are about 2 pages, though that isn't awful considering all the wordy stuff like curses and injuries. The gameplay is basically a mashup of 5E D+D and World of Horror. WOH's gameplay is already invisible dice rolls; so it's not like it's that far-fetched. I'm DM'ing for the first time EVER with this on the 27th. I hope it goes well.

October 25, 2022

I've fleshed out The Garden a little bit. I have anime and manga lists added under "My Interests" page. I'm debating keeping them TBH. Haven't thought of a good design for the interests main page yet. WOH IRL is soon! I hope it goes well. I've had a fun time making all the visual aspects...but who knows if I'm any good at DM'ing.

October 30, 2022

DM'ing for the first time went well! My friends said they had fun, the only hiccup was how I was struggling managing the boss fight. Basically did not make her cool/scary/powerful enough (Fair, I don't think she even touched a couple of players.) I'm happy my friends had fun, and are willing to play again. I already have a number of improvements thought out. Other news, for this site, I'm thinking of putting my focus into creating the makeup corner next. I kind of want to have an interactable vanity with pictures, we'll see how that goes. I'm going on a week long trip soon, so who knows when I'll start/how long it'll take. Thinking of kicking Heather off this page, it just looks kind of dumb. Maybe make the main page a little less ugly.