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June 7, 2023

I just spent a silly amount of time trouble shooting the sewing machine that I don't think had anything with it-whoever used it last just left it dismantled for some reason. All for 10 or less minutes of actual sewing, I did my very first test run of my shorts. They came out disgusting LOL. Things that didn't work out:

  1. I intentionally used the worst fabric from my sheet for my first run, which I stand by. The way I cut it, though, resulted in the front piece to have a left-to-right crisp-to-dingy gradient; and the opposite for the back piece. IE: Two spots that make it VERY apparent just how rough of shape the fabric is in.
  2. I cut essentially two butt pieces, so there's a beyond unflattering pouch in the "front."
  3. The waist is way too small.
  4. The crotch is too...wide? I think it's too wide, rather than the leg holes being too narrow.

I didn't think I was that bad at sewing! It's not all bad though. I did a solid estimate for lengthening the waist. I'm content with pant leg length, I'm pretty happy with my blind guess for the flare of the legs. The fabric is exceptionally comfortable as clothing. I have a pair of shorts that are horribly ripped, I think I'm going to seam rip them apart and use them as better start for making my next pattern. I'm hoping in one week I'll have a much better attempt to share. As for my current mess...I'll figure something out.

Other Thoughts! I'm going slow but Art Fight is fun. Most of the people who signed up for my hitlist ended up picking the same team as me so I'm not getting like any points this year lol. Also I doubt Vampire is going to win LOL. I've been trying to think of how I could make decent pixel art of a steward construct for weeks now and I still am not positive. I want to make more pixel art in general soon.