This Week I...(#2)
August 27, 2024
We're ignoring that I already am late shhh.
Found: Numerous "memorial" websites, after a totally unrelated search on gifcities. I won't link any here right now because doing so in this specific context feels ...tactless? But they were (unsurprisingly) both incredibly sad yet heartwarming to read through. There's an extra layer of "I wonder how they're holding up" since these pages are now all around 2 decades old. I started this neocities page at the tailend of probably the worst year of my adult life, which included multiple family deaths (hence the moody name). For me, throwing myself into a completely new skill that required all of my focus was a much-needed distraction. (I actually made my account before learning anything, to force myself to learn basics very quickly lol. I think I've done OK :-) ) Creating a website or even just a page to cope with loss is an interesting subject I'd like to look into more in the future.
On totally unrelated, much lighter note, I also found this gif of Oliver the chihuahua.
109 Love Letters - "found" is a strong term, I just learned of it from Divergent Rays' most recent Weekly Wrap Up (which is also one of the blogs that I stole this idea from) I haven't gotten particularly far but I'm loving reading them. Unrelated tangent: only really recently
Listened to: the album Too Bright by Perfume Genius. It was alright, my favorite songs were I'm a Mother, and Too Bright.
The Kate level theme from Mirror's Edge. I was never super into this game but always loved the soundtrack.
Played: More Baldur's Gate 3, that facts not surprising nor exciting. I'm at the point I'm shocked I haven't gotten someone in party permakilled. I met a wizard.
Ate: Soup!
Meh photo, meh soup. It was loaded (good) and bland (not good). It was entirely made with random leftovers and was edible so it was completely adequate its job, at least. Canned chicken, egg noodles, canned carrots, really old celery, an old onion, the ends of two different frozen mixed vegetable bags, and beef broth; because half a carton was left over from something someone else made. I wanted to make pumpkin soup but the canned pumpkin had expired :-(.
Want to: Crochet something that isn't that brown blanket LOL. Two projects I've been meaning to do is a little curtain to cover a shelf, and some sort of wall tapestry/decor. I was initially think a large, blocky/geometric/abstract design for the tapestry but I came across This pattern and really like it. As for the curtains, I'm keeping an eye out for simple lacey knit panel patterns. Also I just remembered I need to actually make the crochet/knit hub visible again OOPS