Gundam Unicorn 02 Banshee
Gundam BB Senshi
Second kit, first kit with stickers. I don't enjoy stickers, I soon learned. (note the claw that I completely messed up)
Otherwise, this was a fun build! Until I dropped one of the clear yellow shoulder pieces. And then ran it over with my chair and broke it in half when trying to find it. BUT, it worked out that the broken part is concealed by the top shoulder pads, after switching the sides. It's pretty top heavy and I've knocked it over a lot. And it's fallen over on its own more than what I feel is normal.
The arms can barely support their own weight, and the right one is very prone to falling off.
I much prefer Banshee in destroy mode, so I've only ever closed her up once. It's a little tricky but not the absolute worst, if you think you'll be switching between the two fairly often.